Wisdom Law College stands for mutualistic relationship of learners coming from different parts but forming one world.Asian Law collage aims at carrying forward the legacy of the rich educational and intellectual heritage of Asian education group,which is proud to have inscribed name of outstanding personalities on its scroll since its inception.we continue our indefatigable pursuit towards excellence at WLC by refining quality educational programmes that prepare students for leadership positions and the challenges of the 21st century.
WLC is a students centric campus. Its lays down a rock-solid foundation for young learners to build up a heaven of knowledge and intellect wherein students are encouraged their latent talents and hone their skills.
Learners are adequately equipped with integrity to stride into the competitively legal environment with confidence courage.
Wisdom Law College is characterized by the sheer qualityof its faculty, staff and students. It enjoys a reputations to work towards the cause of higher learning and intellectual growth in the country. At WLC our future lawyers will not only hoist the flag of justice in an unfailing manner but will also be the harbingers of growth.Given the excellent and enlivening environment at Wisdom Law College, more learners look forward to launch their career at this campus. We assure you that at WLC, you will acquire your prescription for success!